They performed on the Kikar Hamusica stage...


Rock music


“Ethnica” is an ensemble from Jerusalem that combines rhythms from the realm of rock with world music and lyrics from the world of piyut. “Ethnica” has six musicians: Elad Gabay, Kanoun, Oud and vocals. Yehuda Ashash, bass and vocals. Eliyahu Dagami, saz and electric guitar. Gil Shapira, guitar and vocals. Ofer Benita, drums and percussion. Shoham Gabay, wind instruments.

Next dates



22/06/21 אתניקה בפסטיבל המוזיקה של ״כיכר המוזיקה״ - Ethnica at the "Kikar Hamusica" music festival
22/06/21 אתניקה בפסטיבל המוזיקה של ״כיכר המוזיקה״ - Ethnica at the "Kikar Hamusica" music festival
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#Kikar Hamusica Show

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