French coffee
Napoleon café found it’s in Jerusalem Israel Café like in france and all around Europe This places have a fine dining experience and service , they rename the art of service customer. The place has varieties of dishes, sandwiches , sushi, queeches, salads, homemade icecreams. And the bet napoleon that you can enjoy from it or other delictes. At Napoleon everythings is created for the customers flavoures , we give you the best service and dining experience so you will have time to enjoy the food and the music at Kikar Hamusica
Restaurant details
Opening hours :
Sun. – Thu. : 9:00 – 19:00
Fri. : 9:00 – 13:00
Address :
Yoel Moshe Solomon 10, Jerusalem
Kashrut :
Kosher Lemahadrin – see certificate
Organize your event
If you are looking for a place to organize your event, you are in the right place!
Kikar Hamusica offers several restaurants that offer a variety of options to make your event an unforgettable moment.
Our event service is at your disposal to select the restaurant and the menu that will best meet your expectations.