They performed on the Kikar Hamusica stage...

Symphonic Soul

Classique & Pop


“Symphonic Soul” Yves Galula (guitar / vocals / arrangements) performs the most beautiful standards Pop / Soul / Jazz / Bossa nova / French songs accompanied by 3 violins & 1 cello. Between pop and classical the mix of his voice, his guitar and the quartet has strings will make you travel from Paris to Rio through London and New York, a treat for the ears …

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Symphonic Soul🎻/// Yesterday by Yves Galula
Symphonic Soul🎻/// Yesterday by Yves Galula
Watch this video on YouTube

How to get there

Visit the Hamusika kikar in 3D

#Kikar Hamusica Show

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To be sure of having your place in front of the stage, reserve your table now among the Kikar Hamusica restaurants:
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